“Amazon Floods Sellers with Requests for Compliance Docs” (Source: eCommerceBytes)
Last week, complaints skyrocketed from Amazon sellers being inundated with requests for compliance documentation on ASINs they sell.
Some sellers say they’ve been getting “Action Required: Compliance requirements for your product listings” notices for weeks (or months).
The notice says: listed products require you to provide compliance documentation, asking sellers to click on a link to see the list of affected products and submit the required compliance documents.
If you do not submit the documents by the due date indicated for each product in this link, Amazon may begin to remove the affected listings.
This requirement helps ensure products are compliant with local laws and safe for customers.
If you do not believe that you need to submit documents for your products, click on the link to view your listings, click the “Provide Documentation ” button next to the product, and then click “Yes” on “Is this an Appeal?” question on the top left-hand side of the page.
FOR FBA Offers: If you do not wish to continue selling the products concerned and have any inventory of these products remaining in Amazon fulfillment centers, you’ll have 30 days from the date your listing has been removed to create a removal order.
If you do not request a removal, automated removal orders will be triggered. Standard removal fees apply.
“Manage your advertising in a single dashboard” (Source: Amazon News)
Amazon is introducing Manager Account, a centralized solution for advertisers, agencies, and tool providers that manage multiple sponsored ads advertising accounts.
Now you can link accounts, manage user access, and view account-level alerts, insights, and performance metrics in a single dashboard.
The Benefits include effective prioritization to easily determine account and campaign prioritization by sorting and filtering based on your goals.
Improved insights view: View and export all performance metrics (sales, spend, orders, clicks, impressions, CTR, CPC, etc.) in a CSV file for all your linked accounts.
Streamlined billing and payments: Invite your accounts payable team to download invoices, monitor your linked accounts, and get notifications for overdue invoices or account suspensions.
Efficient user access management: Invite new users to all your linked accounts at once.
If you operate in multiple locales, you can now link country-specific accounts into a single, regional-based manager account. For example, you can link European accounts for the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, or North American accounts for the US, Canada, and Mexico.
You can create your first manager account or learn more in Amazon’s blog post.
“Browser changes for your Seller Central experience” (Source: Amazon News)
Amazon is planning an update to its browser support policy in an effort to improve your experience. Starting January 31, 2021, Amazon will no longer support Internet Explorer.
This change will empower development teams to innovate and deliver upgrades to the Seller Central website.
If you are currently using Internet Explorer, Amazon requests that you switch to a supported web or mobile browser to avoid any disruption.
Supported browser options include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
For more information, see a list of browsers and operating systems supported for Seller Central.
“All Offers Display (AOD) launching to help you compare offers” (Source: Amazon News)
Amazon announced the launch of a new way to compare offers on their marketplace with the All Offers Display (AOD).
The new experience will replace the Offer Listing Page (OLP). On a desktop, this change makes it easier for customers to view and compare additional offers without leaving the context of the Search and Detail Page.
In the new experience, Amazon has increased the prominence of AOD links on the Detail Page by switching from a link to a button to improve the discoverability of links.
On mobile, the updated experience provides customers access to key information at a glance without navigating to a secondary view to see all necessary information.