Maximizing Amazon Advertising ROI: Strategies & Tools for 2023


As an Amazon seller, calculating your Amazon Advertising Return on Investment (ROI) is essential for your success on the platform. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process and help you determine what is a good Amazon RoAS for 2023.

First, we’ll explain the significance of Amazon RoAS in advertising efforts and how it impacts decision-making. We will also explore Return on Ad Spend benchmarks, factors, and the step-by-step process to calculate your Amazon Advertising ROI using ACoS. We’ll cover common mistakes, and strategies to improve Amazon RoAS, and recommend helpful tools like Amazon’s dashboard. 

Together, we will master ROI calculations to drive business growth in 2023 and beyond.

Understanding RoAS and its significance

Definition of RoAS

Amazon RoAS, or Return on Advertising Spend or Return on Ad Spend, is a metric used to measure the effectiveness and profitability of your Amazon advertising campaigns. It represents the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. The formula for calculating RoAS is simple: divide your total revenue by the total advertising spend.

Why RoAS is a crucial metric for Amazon sellers

RoAS is a critical metric for Amazon sellers as it provides valuable insights into the performance of their advertising efforts. By understanding how effectively their ad spend is generating revenue, sellers can make informed decisions regarding their ad campaign budget allocation. Your Amazon RoAS helps determine which ad campaign(s) and strategies are driving the highest returns, allowing sellers to optimize their resources and focus on what works best.

Benefits of optimizing RoAS for business growth

Optimizing Amazon RoAS has multiple benefits for business growth on Amazon. It refines targeting and messaging to reach the right audience. Moreover, higher RoAS boosts profitability by minimizing wasted ad campaign spend, improved ad strategy, and focusing on high-converting campaigns. Understanding RoAS empowers sellers to make data-driven decisions, allocate their budget effectively, and drive business growth. 

Determining a good Amazon RoAS for 2023

Factors influencing RoAS benchmarks

When determining a good RoAS it’s important to consider several factors that can influence the benchmarks specific to your industry and circumstances. 

These factors include:

  1. Industry and product category: Different industries and product categories have varying levels of competition and profit margins. Understanding the norms and standards within your specific niche can provide valuable context for setting realistic RoAS goals.
  2. Advertising goals and strategies: Your unique advertising goals and strategies will impact what constitutes a good Amazon RoAS for your business. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or achieve a specific return on investment, aligning your RoAS targets with your objectives is crucial.
  3. Competitive landscape: Analyzing your competitors’ advertising performance can offer insights into what Amazon RoAS benchmarks are attainable within your market. Compare your performance against competitors with similar products and customers. 
  4. Seasonality and market trends: Market conditions and seasonal fluctuations can impact Amazon RoAS benchmarks. Take into account any seasonal variations in demand or consumer behavior that may influence the performance of your advertising campaigns.

Setting realistic and achievable RoAS goals for 2023

Based on the factors discussed and the research conducted, it’s essential to set realistic and achievable Amazon RoAS goals for your business in 2023. Consider your historical performance, growth objectives, and the specific market conditions you anticipate. Set targets that challenge you to improve while remaining attainable within you advertising strategies.

By considering these factors, researching industry benchmarks, and setting realistic goals, you can determine a good RoAS for your Amazon business in 2023. Striving for continuous improvement and aligning your target RoAS with your business objectives will position you for success in the ever-evolving Amazon seller marketplace.

Calculating Amazon Advertising ROI

Understanding Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS)

Understanding Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS)

To calculate RoAS and your Amazon Advertising ROI, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS). ACoS represents the percentage of your total ad spend on ad campaigns in relation to the revenue generated from those ads. It helps determine the efficiency and profitability of your ad campaigns on Amazon.

Steps to calculate ACoS

  1. Gathering necessary data: Collect data from your Amazon advertising reports, including total ad spend and total revenue generated from the ads.
  2. Calculating ACoS: Divide your total ad spend by the total revenue and multiply by 100 to get the ACoS percentage. For example, if your total ad spend is $500 and the revenue generated is $2,000, the calculation would be: ($500 / $2,000) x 100 = 25% ACoS.

Analyzing and optimizing ACoS for better RoAS

Analyzing and optimizing ACoS for better RoAS

Once you have calculated your ACoS, it’s essential to analyze the results to optimize your RoAS:

  1. Interpreting ACoS values and implications: A lower ACoS indicates higher profitability, while a higher ACoS may suggest inefficiency. Compare your ACoS to industry benchmarks and your own historical data to gauge performance.
  2. Adjusting ad campaigns: Identify underperforming campaigns with high ACoS and make necessary adjustments. Consider refining keywords, optimizing ad content, or adjusting bids to improve performance and reduce ACoS.
  3. Experimenting and testing: Test different targeting strategies, ad formats, and placements to find the optimal combination that yields a lower ACoS and higher RoAS.

Analyzing and optimizing your ACoS will help you make informed decisions, allocate your ad budget effectively, and improve your overall RoAS.

Common mistakes in calculating Amazon Advertising ROI

Inaccurate data inputs

One common mistake when calculating Amazon Advertising ROI is using inaccurate or incomplete data inputs. It’s crucial to ensure that your total ad spend and revenue figures are accurate and reflect the specific timeframe you are analyzing.

Ignoring indirect costs

Another mistake is ignoring indirect costs associated with your advertising efforts. It’s essential to factor in any additional expenses related to running your Amazon business. These indirect costs might include fees, product costs, shipping expenses, or any other costs incurred that are associated with your advertising campaigns.

Underestimating the impact of organic sales

Organic sales are the sales generated without the direct influence of your advertising campaigns. Often, advertising efforts contribute to increased visibility and exposure, leading to organic sales. Failing to account for these organic sales when calculating ROI can result in undervaluing the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns which can eat into profit margin over time.

Relying solely on last-click attribution

Last-click attribution attributes the entire revenue to the last click or interaction a customer made before making a purchase. However, this approach may not capture the full impact of all touchpoints along the customer’s journey. Utilizing multi-touch attribution models or analyzing the customer funnel comprehensively can provide a more accurate representation of how each advertising campaign contributes to revenue generation.

Strategies to improve Amazon Advertising ROI

Target the right keywords

Targeting the right keywords is crucial for improving your Amazon Advertising ROI. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-converting keywords that align with your product and target audience. Utilize tools like Amazon’s keyword research, third-party keyword research tools, and competitor analysis to uncover valuable keyword opportunities.

Target the right keywords

Optimize your product listings

Ensure your product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and images are compelling and informative. Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your listing to improve visibility and attract relevant customers. Enhance your product’s appeal by highlighting its unique selling points, benefits, and customer reviews. A well-optimized product listing can increase click-through rates, conversions, and ultimately, your ROI.

Refine your targeting and ad placements

Continuously refine your targeting and ad placements to achieve good Amazon ROAS. Analyze the performance of your campaigns and adjust targeting parameters based on the data. Refine your audience demographics, geographic targeting, and device preferences to reach the most relevant audience segments. Experiment with different ad placements, such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, or Sponsored Display, to identify the most effective channels for your product. 

Monitor and adjust bids

Regularly monitor and adjust your bids to optimize your Amazon Advertising ROI. Increase bids for high-performing keywords that generate a strong ROI and decrease bids for low-performing keywords. By continuously optimizing your bidding strategy, you can allocate your ad spend more effectively, better calculate gross profit and maximize your ROI.

Tools and resources for calculating Amazon Advertising ROI

Tools and resources for calculating Amazon Advertising ROI

Amazon’s advertising dashboard

Amazon provides a comprehensive advertising dashboard that offers valuable insights and data for calculating your Amazon Advertising ROI. The dashboard provides detailed information on ad spend, impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue. It allows you to track the performance of your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords, making it easier to calculate and analyze your ROI accurately.

Third-party analytics platforms

Several third-party analytics platforms specialize in Amazon advertising analytics and provide advanced features for calculating and optimizing your ROI. Tools like Jungle Scout and Helium 10’s Adtomic offer in-depth analytics, campaign management, and ROI tracking features. These platforms can help you monitor and analyze your advertising campaigns, track keyword performance, and provide valuable insights to improve your ROI.

Data-driven decision-making tools

Data-driven decision-making tools like AdBadger and Perpetua help you optimize your Amazon Advertising ROI by leveraging machine learning algorithms. These tools analyze your data, identify trends, and provide recommendations to improve campaign performance and ROI. They can assist in bid management, keyword optimization, and campaign optimization to maximize your ROI.

Industry reports and case studies

Industry reports and case studies are valuable resources for understanding industry benchmarks and gaining insights into successful advertising strategies. Stay updated on the latest reports and studies from reputable sources, such as Amazon’s Advertising Library, industry blogs, and market research firms. These resources provide Amazon sellers benchmarks, best practices, and real-world examples that can guide you in calculating and improving your Amazon Advertising ROI.

By utilizing these tools and resources, you can streamline the process of calculating your Amazon Advertising ROI and gain valuable insights to optimize your campaigns. Whether it’s leveraging Amazon’s advertising dashboard, using third-party analytics platforms, relying on data-driven decision-making tools, or staying informed through industry reports and case studies, these resources will empower you to make data-driven decisions and maximize your Amazon seller ROI.


Alright, folks, we’ve reached the end of our guide on calculating and boosting your Amazon Advertising ROI. To amp up your Amazon Advertising ROI, remember these strategies: nail those targeted keywords, optimize those product listings, fine-tune your targeting and ad placements, and keep an eye on those bids.

Now, let’s talk tools! Amazon’s advertising dashboard is a great place to start, but don’t forget about third-party analytics platforms, data-driven decision-making tools, and industry reports for extra insights and benchmarks. Keep monitoring your campaigns, crunching those numbers, and tweaking things for better results. Your Amazon Advertising ROI is the key to increase sales.

So, armed with all this knowledge and these tools, go forth and conquer the Amazon seller marketplace. Make savvy decisions, drive that ROI up, and watch your business soar to new heights!

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