Majide Case for JUUL

Bringing a Vision to Life

Majide is the world’s first JUUL case that offers complete 3-in-1 protection without interfering with design or usability. We were approached with nothing but the concept of a three-piece silicone case for JUUL and tasked with building the product and company from the ground up.

1. Dreaming up the perfect design

From the first mock-up fashioned by hand from paper and tape to a detailed tech pack to send off to potential manufacturers, the design of a substantial yet lightweight silicone cover for the mouthpiece, charging port, and shaft of the JUUL case came together.

2. Scrupulous sourcing

Selectivity served us well in our search for the perfect supplier. Avoiding suppliers who “specialized” in cases and may charge a premium or sell our product to other people as a result, we found a manufacturer who could deliver a product to our standards of value and quality.

3. Making it memorable

First impressions matter, and we prepared to introduce the world to a new and innovative product with a distinctive branding package. Our logo, package, and website design adhere to the sleek design principles of the JUUL itself, and the copy is informative yet concise.

sleek design principles of the JUUL

4. Taking care of business

With the design perfected and most assets prepared, we registered Majide as an LLC in the United States and set up an Amazon store. Majide was then equipped with its own tax identification number and owners were free from personal liability for the company, so the business could begin as soon as the cases touched down at our office.

5. Seeing is believing

Once we received our order, creating compelling images for both the Majide website and Amazon detail page was as smooth as capturing high-quality photographs and transforming them with sleek design elements. The final assets consist of product shots, lifestyle images, and clean infographics that visually communicate the case’s key features.

6. Spreading the word

We used a combination of Amazon Sponsored Product Ads and Facebook advertising to target audiences who used the JUUL case or were interested in electronic cigarette and vaping devices. Creating, testing, and optimizing our funnels placed the advertisements directly in front of the customers most interested in what we had to offer, maximizing our ad spend.

Our efforts were not without reward: within a week from launch, Majide ranked number one in organic search results for the terms “JUUL case” and “JUUL.”

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