What Cannot Be Sold on Amazon: Introduction to Restricted Products

What Cannot Be Sold on Amazon: Introduction to Restricted Products

Be sure that you know what are the banned items on Amazon before developing new products to ride a trend. We’re looking right at you, CBD oil brands. Picture this: you’ve identified a brand new product with high demand and low competition. You can pretty much taste the success coming your way.   You did […]

The Definitive Answer on GTIN vs UPC, EAN, and ISBN

The Definitive Answer on GTIN vs UPC, EAN, and ISBN

If you’re not familiar with a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), you might wonder, how does a GTIN vs UPC compare? In this blog, we’ll go over the difference between a GTIN vs UPC, what a GTIN is made up of, and how to purchase them.

How to Calculate Your Amazon True Profit

how to calculate Amazon profit

Many brands will lose a ton of money by making the mistake of incorrectly calculating their profits. Avoid that mistake by staying on top of and in the know about your profit margin with reports.

How To Use The Amazon Brand Dashboard

How To Use The Amazon Brand Dashboard

Amazon’s updated their brand success tool, the Brand Dashboard. Here’s our breakdown on how to use each feature, how you can leverage these reports, and steps you need to take to improve performance.